Portfolio Joy

From Novel To Network

frontpage book

A publication (From novel to network, digital writing as literary form, Aracne editrice, Roma 2007) speaking about Information Architecture in a different manner (from the point of view of Humanities and literature). This book is studying blogs and websites as if they were literary text, measuring the fruition of the user as if she was the reader of a book.

A Blog Maths and Programming

frontpage book

A blog in English about maths and Programming, Latex and Indesign. It was very difficult for me to contextualize my knowledge about philosophy and computer science, so i wrote out a couple of articles about what i new at the time when i started workig with programming languages and i started putting into action my knowledge of online writing as an hybrid form of writing. The following is the "about" of the blog.

Web Diff Tool

MooDiff screenshot

The MooTools diff extension, a javascript extension of a famous javascript framework which uses javascript Object Oriented Prototyping as if it was classes based. I've made it easy to customize and the code is freely available in this mercurial repo (any further contribution is welcome).

Sexy Horoscopes

Astrosexy screenshot

Astrosexy.net, a new website of erotic horoscopes inspired by Tango and latino culture made to deepen your understanding of love and relationships. The motto that inspires it is: Sex is knowledge and knowledge is sex. Let me take you to immaginary worlds with original interpretations on life.

NLP Project

topic modelling repository image

This is the repository of a new project on Named Entity Recognition of accademic texts. It is an open source project so if you want to partecipate to the development just send me an email (you can find my email in the contacts) The project is divided in a front end (VueJs made by Luca Cortese) and a back end (Django and nltk developed by varius contributors interested in the topic)


image word-b website

In this link you can find the first BETA of the Natural Language project i am working to, on the bitbucket link published above. The release in a little buggy and temporary, but i hope to have the time to finish and fix, it doesn't include social peer review and advanced editing feature still.

Love Me Safely

image love me safely web site

In this link you can find a private blog about perversions in youth culture. The blog è is not up to date,but i have in mind to make new posts taken from a book: Body Art, Don De Lillo.

Made In Human

image Made in Human

At this link you'll find the description (in Italian) of a new publication, a short novel, that speaks about the adventures of a "webmaster" in the early 2000. The environment is the techno underground culture, but the structure of the novel is costructivist.

Diet Program

image diet program

At this link you'll find the program and receipts (in Italian) of a new diet. Made by a nustritionist it ensures the balance of the metabolism and a slow slimming without consequences on the muscles volume and body system. The website promotes the use of some supplements and the regular body activity to have great results!